Year 10: 2023-2024
Cooperative Studies Track

Mentor: Myriam Diatta

NEW INC is an incubator for people working at the intersection of art, design, and technology.

In Year 10 of New Inc, introduced a new track, Cooperative Studies:

How are artists, designers, and technologists experimenting with community- and worker-centered cooperative models for governing, funding, planning, or collective ownership? From the future of work to housing to community financing to cultural infrastructure, members of this track have a vision for untangling systems-level challenges and applying solidarity structures to build collective power.

During my time as a New INC member, I explored the need for community-owned archival storage solutions especially for Black communities. Far too often Black cultural heritage materials either go uncared for, end up outside of their communities of origin, or are otherwise destroyed or lost. At present, there are no Black centered archival storage solutions and no archival storage solutions that prioritize care over capital.


Somebody's Gone